With a team of students, postdoctoral fellows, international collaborators, community leaders and others we conduct and publish original research and reviews.
Our research focuses on global public health, particularly on issues related to the effects of environmental pollutants on the health of vulnerable populations such as children. We also conduct evaluation of education and training programs in science and medicine. |
Communicating Environmental Health Results to Study ParticipantsClaudio L, Gilmore J, Roy M, Brenner B. Communicating environmental exposure results and health information in a community-based participatory research study. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:784 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-5721-1, 2018
Breastfeeding Associated with Less Obesity at 6 Years of AgeOrtega-Garcia JA, Kloosterman N, Alvarez L, Tobarra-Sanchez E, Carceles-Alvarez A, Pastor-Valero R, Lopez-Hernandez FA, Sanchez-Solis M, Claudio L. Full breastfeeding and obesity in children: A prospective study from birth to 6 years. Childhood Obesity DOI: 10.1089/chi.2017.0335 2018.
Dietary Patterns in Children and Adolescents in Mexico CityGalvan-Portillo M, Sánchez E, Cárdenas-Cárdenas LM, Karam R, Claudio L, Cruz M, Burguete-García AI. Dietary patterns in Mexican children and adolescents: Characterization and relation with socioeconomic and home environment factors. Appetite 121: 275-284, 2018.
Stingone JA, Pandey OP, Claudio L, Pandey G. Using machine learning to identify air pollution exposure profiles associated with early cognitive skills among US children. Environ Pollution 230: 730-740, 2017
Froes Asmus CIR, Camara VM, Raggio R, Landrigan PJ, Claudio L. Positive correlation between pesticide sales and central nervous system and cardiovascular congenital abnormalities in Brazil. Intl J Environ Health Res 27: 420-426, 2017
McGee SA & Claudio L. Nativity as a determinant of health disparities among children. J Immigrant Minority Health (2017). https://doi.ort/10.1007/s10903-017-0667-4
Krawczyk N, Claudio L. Outcomes of global public health training program for US minority students: A case report. Annals of Global Health 83: 605-612, 2017
Stingone JA, McVeigh KH, Claudio L. Early-life exposure to air pollution and greater use of academic support services in childhood: a population-based cohort study of urban children. Environ Health 16: 2, 2017
Lett LA, Stingone JA, Claudio L. The combined influence of air pollution and home learning environment on early cognitive skills in children. Int J Environ Res & Public Health 14: 1295, 2017
Claudio L, Rivera GA, Ramirez OF. Association between markers of classroom environmental conditions and teachers' respiratory health. Journal of School Health. 85 (2016) 444-451.
Dr. Luz Claudio
[email protected] |