Are You Evolving?As you evolve in your career as a scientist, investigator, leader of a community-based organization or any type of researcher in academia or industry, you will need to spend more and more of your time writing and publishing your research. Here is the book that will help you evolve to the next level!
I have mentored hundreds of students, postdocs, junior faculty and international fellows to write and publish their research. I also serve on the editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals. While looking for resources for my trainees, I noticed that other books have been written by experts in language arts, not researcher scientists. This workbook captures exactly how I help my students to publish their work. It gets to the point and says exactly what to do and when to do it. Hope that it will help you too!
Get the Book that Will Help You Publish NOT Perish!If you are a scientist or studying to become one, you know that you must publish or you will perish in academia. This book will help you put your science into words that get published. With simple and direct instructions, fill-in forms and exercises, this book will have you doing more writing and less reading. Become the published scientist that you want to be. Write science now!
Write Your Research Now!Yes! Send me free fill-in forms for selecting a journal to submit your scientific paper.
Dr. Luz Claudio
[email protected] |