Every day, it seems, brings another prominent man accused of sexual harassment. The diversity of the men who have been recently revealed as sexual predators is disconcerting. Some of them even cultivated a "good guy" persona and publicly championed women's causes.
One example of this might be Harvey Weinstein, a man whom some argue, had made it possible for several female actresses to get important leading roles in big movies. By some opinions, he had promoted women in the film industry, yet, he also used his power to abuse women. Now we hear about other "good guys" who also abused and harassed their female colleagues. One such "good guy" is Al Franken. The photo of Senator Franken groping a sleeping colleague is so disturbing that it is hard to believe that this IS the same guy who supported "women's" issues such as the Family Coverage Act. If it is hard for us in the general public to reconcile those two sides of these good guys, then just imagine what it must feel to be a professional woman working with these men.
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