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Featured in Mission Unstoppable, A children's CBS TV show promoting careers in STEM.
In this episode of Mission Unstoppable, we go on an environmental health scavenger hunt of our community. To download it free, click below: |
8 Women Scientists Answer Children's QuestionsIn this episode, children asked: "How useful would you be in a zombie apocalypse?" Here's how to talk to children about science:
TED Talk: Why Science Needs Community Engagement... and Internships
In this TED Talk, I tell the story of how I transitioned from being a laboratory neuroscientist to a researcher in public health when I was alerted by a student that there was an epidemic of asthma in nearby communities. Our work on asthma and children's environmental health has sparked community activism and inspired other minority students in science. We continue to work towards improving environmental health around the world and towards increasing diversity of the scientific workforce. |